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About High Court Solutions
Who Are We?
High Court Solutions have a wealth of experience in dealing with a wide range of Debtors from varied demographic backgrounds and financial positions!
Our ethos is to be able to offer effective High Court Enforcement solutions at an affordable price. Whilst we pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service, we never lose sight of our purpose and the importance of building strong relationships with Debtors in order to get them to fully engage with us.
Whilst we were the founders of the popular TV show, ‘Can’t Pay, We’ll Take It Away’ which aired on Channel 5 following our team of High Court Enforcement Agents. We later realised that we were losing sight of who and what we were, so gracefully bowed out at the conclusion of Series 2.
Who are High Court Enforcement Officers?
High Court Enforcement Officers (HCEOs) are commanded to execute any High Court Writ they are allocated. Simon Williamson is our HCEO and is authorised by the Ministry of Justice (Lord Chancellor) to enforce High Court Writs.
High Court Enforcement Agents (HCEAs) act on behalf of the High Court Enforcement Officer (HCEO) and undertake the enforcement of each Writ.
A HCEA must be ‘certificated’ by a Court and have qualifications enabling him to enforce Writs and work under the regulations as detailed in The Tribunals Courts and Enforcement Act 2007; The Taking Control of Goods Regulations 2013; and The Taking Control of Goods (Fees) Regulations 2014.
We are governed by the Ministry of Justice and regulated by the High Court Enforcement Officers Association (HCEOA).
What is a Writ?
There are various Writs, however the most commonly used are:
A Writ of Control commands the recovery of goods to the full value of the debt. This is comprised of three distinct stages, the last of which is the removal of the goods for sale at auction. The amount of goods seized will depend upon the value of the Writ and the anticipated value the item(s) will fetch when sold at public auction.
A Writ of Possession commands the occupier to vacate the premises and authorises the use of sufficient force to carry out the eviction. Should the occupiers refuse to leave, the Police will assist under the “Constables Duty to Assist” (The Courts Act 2002, Section 99, schedule 7, Para 5).
So, how can we help you?
Many people wrongly believe that once they have been awarded a County Court Judgment, the Debtor will pay up. Likewise, many Landlords naively believe that once they have a County Court Possession Order that the Tenants will vacate the property.
Any County Court Judgment can be transferred to the High Court for enforcement purposes, providing it is over £600 (including the debt, Court Costs & 8% statutory interest).
Click here for more information
Likewise, any County Court Possession Order can also be transferred to the High Court for enforcement purposes providing you have the requisite permission from the issuing County Court to do so.
Click here for more information
We offer a comprehensive 'one stop' solution for Commercial Landlords and undertake Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR) or Forfeiture of Lease.
Click here for more information on CRAR
Click here for more information on Forfeiture of Lease
Trespassers on land – we can help Landowners constructively use Common Law rights to return land back to them.
Click here for more information
Squatters - If you have Trespassers occupying a commercial building, then you will need a Court Order for Possession against Trespassers (Persons Unknown) which can be quickly transferred up to the High Court.
Click here for more information
Last but by no means least, we offer an excellent 'No Trace, No Fee' Address Tracing Service.